Need product shots for an online store or a new headshot for your About page? Need to find a photo of Victoria to use in your brochure? I can take photos or offer many of my existing photos for use in publications or online. The web is a very visual medium and I can help you find the right images.
book design
As an emerging author, I have created many ebooks, formatted for either Smashwords or Kindle. I can format your manuscript, or offer tips on how to best deal with images and other challenges of those platforms. I have also explored various methods of creating one of a kind or limited edition art books and would be happy to talk to you about your special book project.
I write everything — poetry, creative non-fiction, short fiction, and research papers. I’ve written hundreds of reviews for films over the years and won contests for my haiku.
art and crafts
I compulsively make things. Sewing, knitting, beading, painting, drawing…. my home is cluttered with the multimedia of crafting and art. I have an online store through Zibbet for some of my creations and others can be seen in my Flickr portfolio.